Thursday, June 12, 2008

And the feud begins

A warm Thursday in June has the blood of some of the frequent TC commentees boiling. Shouts and outcries for attention have been made, but one has made the move in attempts to fight off the ignorance TC has stricken in him. This man is no other than Fatty McFats.

In a desperate attempt to capture some friends, Fatty McFats has decided foolishly to start a new team, TEAM FRESH.

Reasons Team FRESH is the worst team ever:
  • Fatty McFats is in it
  • A 7 year old made their name
  • Their 'heavyweights' are G.P. and Z.N.
  • They still think the moon is made out of swiss cheese
Have mercy on your soul.

Why Absurd is Better then Fatty McFats

1. I'm still drunk
2. I chug Long Island Ice Teas
3. I have sex on a consistent basis
4. I have 5 friends (currently 500% more then Nah Dude)
5. His name is Fatty McFats .... need I say more.

Absurd > Fatty McFats

TC > Team Fresh

1. We have an abbreviation for our name
2. We have Womp Womp and she will out drink/dance you
3. Canada??
4. Skittles has and will be found many different places none of which you expect
5. Nah Dude is fat
6. We have a Blog??
7. We have rules
8. Nah Dude sucks at having sex
9. Fatty McFats isn't in TC
10. We joined for life

* Womp Womp may/may not be the godparent of Skittles first born

TC for life


on nel line said...

fatty mcfats eats more surf clam then the little kids at aija

Flimsey Goods said...

fatty shanks homeless people to prove he's TC material ....

all i have to say is WOMP WOMP

Fatty McFats said...

its obvious in the attempts to make this blog post, that TC is threatened by TEAM FRESH. So to act like they aren't nervous by our presence, they make fun of TEAM FRESH and the one they call "Bill".

Reasons Team Carpool is dumb and worthless:

1. They consistently use TC because they are lazy pieces of shit and cant type in Team Carpool.

2. Skittles gets his/her ass handed to them by freshmen.

3. They begged me to check out this blog so they would feel important.

4. They think it's cool to pee your pants.

5. They can't handle TEAM FRESH's full body workout.

6. Their name doesn't even fit them anymore.

- FM

Flimsey Goods said...

wow FM (too lazy to go with the full name?) ... when you're done with the haterade ... can you pass it my way cuz i'm thirsty

Flimsey Goods said...

sorry i just had to consolidate these posts ... feel free to keep the hate up though

Fatty McFats said...

why did you have to combine it? just because you had some haterade for me with my post about skittles, womp womp, and tasting the rainbow. cant take it???

Flimsey Goods said...

ummm no actually ... because I want this to be a legit blog not just a place for haters to come and spit weak game

Fatty McFats said...
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Fatty McFats said...

Womp Womp Woodland,

weak game? look at this thread on the blog for why you guys think tc is anything special.

conspiracy against others stating their opinion? i think so.